These supplements can not be synthesized by our body, so we need to provide the body with the necessary amounts every day. Lack of any of these components in the body can impair the optimal functioning of metabolic processes. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and fish consumption are natural sources from which the body is supplied with these essential ingredients. From an unbalanced diet, the amount of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is often below the optimal one. Furthermore, some vitamins and minerals, including water-soluble vitamins such as vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6 can be stored for a short time by the body. Excess amounts of vitamin C taken immediately can be excreted by the body unused, making them unavailable to the body when the body has increased needs. This is exactly the time when the body needs more nutrients to maintain cell defense mechanisms.
- Vitamin A 400 pg RE
- Vitamin D 20 pg
- Vitamin E 10 mg alpha-TE
- Vitamin K 40 pg
- Vitamin C 120 mg
- Vitamin B1 2,8 mg
- Vitamin B2 3,2 mg
- Niacin 18 mg NE
- Vitamin B6 4 mg
- FolsAure 400 pg
- Vitamin 812 25 pg
- Biotin 150 pg
- Pantothensaure 6 mg
- Calcium 150 mg
- Magnesium 80 mg
- Zink 10 mg
- Selen 30 pg
- Lutein 0,5 mg
- Lactose Free
- Gluten Free
- 20 sachets
1 sachet after a meal
- Doppelherz