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Doppelherz Sport DIRECT

Doppelherz Sport DIRECT not only provides you with selected nutrients, but also excellent taste. Active sports people have a higher calorie intake than inactive people. Physical exertion not only increases the circulation of energy-supplying nutrients (such as carbohydrates) but also of minerals, trace elements and vitamins – the “metabolism candles” that are essential for the human body. Depending on the type, duration and intensity of physical exertion, nutrients are excreted in sweat. This mainly concerns magnesium minerals, trace elements iron, zinc, chromium, manganese, molybdenum and water-soluble B vitamins. Therefore, it is important to get these essential nutrients in your diet every day.

Doppelherz Stress – Gute Nerven

We need to be mentally active and flexible, we need strong nerves and a strong brain. Our brain works 24 hours a day and works without the slightest interruption. Even when we sleep, our brain does not turn off. It is one of the most active organs of the body and consumes 20% of daily energy, although it constitutes only 2% of body mass. With a tablet from Doppelherz you cover your daily needs for all B vitamins.