Diabetiker, Jod, B kompleks, Selen

Doppelherz Diabetiker

Combining micronutrients tailored to the specific needs of diabetics: When the daily diet is unbalanced, intake of essential nutrients is often marginal and not optimal. This is especially true when there is a metabolic disorder or when a restricted diet should be followed. In these cases it is recommended to take extra nutrients.

Doppelherz Jod + Folsäure + Eisen + B12

An adequate supply of nutrients is essential for health, performance and well-being. This also includes iodine, iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. For women of childbearing potential, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, and people who eat only leafy vegetables rich in folic acid irregularly, iodine-containing foods (eg fish), and iron-rich animal foods and B12 (eg meat), is an adequate supply of these nutrients is particularly important.

Doppelherz Selen 100

Selenium helps protect cells from oxidative stress and contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. The human body cannot produce selenium itself. Selenium should be taken regularly and adequately through food. In the case of an unbalanced diet, food intake is not always optimal.


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